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In this blog you'll find Mexiterranean food pictures and recipes, fishing stories, random thoughts and snippets of my new life in Southern Baja.


Roasted sweet peppers and sheep's cheese rolls

Here's Sicilian inspired dish. It delivers all the sunshine and flavours of Sicily (or Mediterranean Spain...) in this chilly winter days.
A favourite in my catering menus as well...

For this great appetizer, or side to a grilled fish, start by charring the skin of a large red bell pepper over an open flame. Place the blackened pepper in a plastic bag and let it rest for around 15 minutes for the steam to loosen the charred skin.

While this happens, work on the stuffing:
Take the crust off a 2 days old country bread, sourdough or any other rustic bread and cut it into small cubes.
Place the bread into a mixing bowl and add freshly chopped Italian parsley, basil and garlic to taste.
Season with S&P, add a splash of balsamic vinegar and drizzle liberally with olive oil...the stronger and heavier, the better.
Mix everything, taste, and coarsely grate the aged sheep's cheese until you get just the right bite  (note: ideally I would use a good pecorino from Sardinia, but any good aged Spanish sheep's cheese will work way more than ok..look for  Roncal, Canal or Idiazabal at your cheese store).

At this point the stuffing should still be quite dry and coarse.

Place a ripe tomato in a blender and liquefy it; add it to the stuffing and mix it; if needed, repeat with more tomato. Adjust with S&P and reserve.

Peel the roasted pepper and get rid of the seeds and veins, rinse it and carefully cut it in fillets.

Place some stuffing on the inside of the pepper, roll it up as in the pic and place it on a plate.
Top with an anchovy fillet (optional, but strongly recommended...), a few fried capers and a drizzle of best olive oil and aged balsamic vinegar - or balsamic syrup.

There you have it...sunshine in a plate!
Well dressed at a dinner party...

At home...
Buon appetito.

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