Welcome, bienvenidos to Cook and the Fly
In this blog you'll find Mexiterranean food pictures and recipes, fishing stories, random thoughts and snippets of my new life in Southern Baja.


Chickpeas and chorizo stew

One of my favorite legume dishes...  and a great complimentary tapa at the restaurant.

You'll need chickpeas (that you'll have soaked overnight and boiled with a few bay leaves, garlic cloves and a dry chilli), the reserved cooking liquid and aromatics from the chickpeas ( or chicken stock...),  the Holy Trinity of onion, carrot and celery, garlic, a few tomatoes and a good Spanish chorizo.

Chop all the aromatics and the chorizo; because this is a truly rustic dish, do not go crazy fancy when you chop but aim for a chunkier cut.

Saute everything until it looks like this:

Season with S&P and add the chickpeas, the grated tomatoes

 and enough reserved cooking liquid to top off the garbanzos and let simmer until ready.


Easy, no?  Got to admit I am no expert in Spanish wines, but I am quite sure that a younger Tempranillo would cut it more than "OK" with this....   Buen Provecho!

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