Welcome, bienvenidos to Cook and the Fly
In this blog you'll find Mexiterranean food pictures and recipes, fishing stories, random thoughts and snippets of my new life in Southern Baja.


Last cast rooster

After loosing a decent size jack in the surf, thanks to the "legal poachers" with castnets, I went to the marina to check on my friends..
I was leaving already and something in my head made me turn around a give it a shot.
At the third cast of the Half'n'Half I felt like I got stuck in the rocks...in a few seconds I realized it wasn't so   ; )
Very ihteresting the way it hit the fly and the way it fought..different than in the surf1
Picture is poor, but once weighted it was pushing 30 lbs.
Even though I am firm believer of catch and release, I am not an extremist and I did sacrifice this one for the table.
Roosterfish is not bad eating as they want you to believe.


  1. Many thanks.
    Roosterfish can, and will, become an obsession; just like steelies! I still prefer the latter, though...
